Energy of the Untamed Heart
![Energy of the Untamed Heart](
What keeps your divinely designed wild heart from being free? Unlock the chains around your heart, break free from your old stories and access your divine birthright for joy and passion. Allow yourself to flow in the energy of fulfillment and freedom, expansion and expression as you were meant to in this life. Connect and be seen, be heard, be part of the bigger consciousness of humanity. Discover your unique gifts and superpowers which allow you to navigate the challenges along the way as you live your purpose. Join me weekly for both solo and guest episodes as we learn to thrive, not just survive and set our wild heart free!
![Thank Your Body](
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Thank Your Body
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
we take our physical body for granted and assume it will work for us not true....hear how I had some ah ha moments prepping for a colonoscopy!
Subscribe so you don't miss a beat!
Join me in my private FB group, Fox Den Energetics as well as on IG @miellefox.
So much love to you all!
![How Human Design Serves as a Map - conversation with Seth Vermilyea](
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
How Human Design Serves as a Map - conversation with Seth Vermilyea
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Seth is undeniably a current day renaissance man. He has worked in all sorts of careers from theater to production management, he has been an executive in a non-profit in both leadership and project management roles, and had a stint working in the roofing and fishing industries. He is also an entrepreneur, bringing his skills in human design and tarot to help people navigate life through this matrix. HIs mission is to help you fully realize and embody the potential which is innate in you.
Here are some gems from today's episode
As we journey, we'd all love to go the cleanest way, but sometimes the detour is where the fun is and where you learn the most
I live very naturally, and I love being this, but it's taken me a long time to realize that it's something I offer to people. Note: for the aspiring entrepreneurs, this statement resonated deeply - you have a gift which needs to be shared.
The experiences that we have and the release of those things certainly is not that they ever go away, but they are now part of our journey that we can share with others. It is key to recognize ourselves and others and have greater empathy and be the best guides and and bring them along the way
I utilize tarot as road signs and I use human design as a map when I talk with someone about how they can just be better at what they already do.
You can find Seth on all media platforms at Coming Out Tarot or via his website at
Here’s some support information you can dig in to:
Follow me on FB/IG at miellefox or join my private FB group called Fox Den Energetics. I have more information and supportive materials at which you might find helpful.
Sign up for the monthly virtual meet-up at Unconditionally You
Get your free pdf of How You May Be Blocking Your Heart here
And of course, right now, for the month of January, use the calendly link to schedule your Straight to the Heart Breakthrough Call 1:1 20 minute zoom for $20. You’ll get some insights, tips, and identification of possible areas you’ve been wearing blinders!!
So much love to you all!
![Breaking the Mold of Gender Stereotypes - a Conversation with Kathryn Savage Imabayashi](
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Sometimes you meet someone who has the wisdom of the ages at their fingertips. This was the case with my conversation with Kathryn Imabayashi, parent, coach and mentor. For over 4 decades, she has developed programs and offered guidance for parents to help balance the dichotomy between gender expectations. Her lifelong mission is to guide children and their parents as they are making sense of their world, with a focus and passion to help raise our boys better.
Today’s takeaways include:
It’s time to change the story of what a man is supposed to be and what those expectations are so that our male population can access their true version of what a male is in his inner emotional world.
If people don’t know, then they're not looking for answers. They're accepting the way things are, or just, just not seeing them.
If we can get to a point where we acknowledge the differences in genders, and recognize and accept unconditionally. Then, we can see these differences, both strengths and weaknesses and see that by connecting and accepting, by recognizing and respecting, then we bring out the best in each other.
Our conditioning builds masks, which ultimately can cause us to disappears behind the masks
Be the lighthouse, keep shining the light. The people who are ready and are looking for this kind of support, they'll find the light.
You can follow and find Kathryne on her website or via LinkedIn and IG.
If you like to have further conversations about Unconditionality and how it shows up for you in your life, join me for a free monthly virtual meet up. Just click here, and I’ll send you a notice of the next date.
And of course, right now, for the month of January, use the calendly link to schedule your Straight to the Heart Breakthrough Call 1:1 20 minute zoom for $20. You’ll get some insights, tips, and identification of possible areas you’ve been wearing blinders!!
As always, sending so much love to you all!
![How to Use Nervous System Re-regulation Techniques for Personal Transformation - Jackie McDonald](
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Having tools to regulate our nervous system has been paramount to personal transformation. When we can get out of the fight and flight lane and return to the harmony, rest and repose side of our nervous system, we are better able to tap into not only our intuition but also the quantum possibilities of our visions.
Let’s recap the highlights and takeaways from today’s episode:
There's a lot of healing to be done because women speaking up and women sharing their gifts, healing gifts, intuitive gifts, unconventional gifts brings up a lot of fear.
Tapping can be used not just for old beliefs, but to create new vision as well because you can tap on multiple personas of self - older, current, future
We can understand the concept that energy is just a system of exchange, never destroyed, only transformed.
This whole concept of give to receive. When I give, I express in such a higher vibration and a higher frequency that that is what I bring back.
You are a creator, you can create an idea, express that idea into the world and create a movement around it.
The moves that we're making today are affecting generations to come.
I built this dream by not needing to know every single step, not needing to know how but trusting the pull and the guidance that I got and following the breadcrumbs.
Whatever magic you have show up every day and ask “how can I serve today?”
You can find Jackie on her website at or on IG @thejackiemcdonald as well as on FB.
I am so loving these conversations. Bringing insight for you guys listening to the podcast brings me so much joy.
If these types of conversations speak to your heart, please be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss an episode. You can can also find information on my website or follow me on FB/IG at miellefox. I also invite you to watch for announcements for the free monthly meetup I offer called Unconditionally You, where we have open conversations in a safe space to expose what unconditionality means for yourself and others in your life.
As always, sending you so much love,
![”Stepping Beyond the Entrance to the Cave” - a conversation with Alicia James](
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
”Stepping Beyond the Entrance to the Cave” - a conversation with Alicia James
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
We all come to our wake up moment and lessons in divine time. Can't hurry the ride. Stop in for a listen today for my conversation with Alicia James. I think you'll find her story fascinating.
Here’s a quick recap of the tidbits of goodness you can find on this episode:
The journey to discover who I “be”, who I am, well, that is the unraveling of the woulda coulda shoulda stories.
It can be a bumpy ride, but truthfully, some of that bumpiness is created by our choices
~ once it's out there ~ you can't unhear what you hear, you can't unsee what you see, you can't unfeel what you feel
You cannot rush the universe.
There is a learning that goes on in the space between
I think somebody coming and doing it before you makes all the difference, like it offers you a knowing that it’s ok to do the thing
You can find Alicia at or follow her on FB and IG @AliciaJames
Please share this podcast with your friends, so they can join in and discover more ways to open the door to their untamed heart. You can catch me in all the places, FB and IG at mielle fox as well as the website at
Click on the links here if you’d like to be notified for the free virtual monthly meet up called Unconditionally You or my free pdf about How We Block Ourselves from Hearing Our Heart.
So much love to you all.
![How to Fire Your Inner Bully ~ a conversation with Lisa Pepper-Satkin](
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
How to Fire Your Inner Bully ~ a conversation with Lisa Pepper-Satkin
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Again, another powerful episode with so much wisdom. Here’s a recap of the highlights of today’s episode with Lisa Pepper-Satkin, Executive Therapeutic Coach and Brene Brown Certified Dare to Lead Facilitator.
The work is to fire your inner bully
You help your dream move forward by touching 1 person who touches another and another
All the iterations of you as you transform are colors in the palette of your core values
Do not misconstrue like/followers on social media with success - if your vision rings true in your heart, follow that
When you compare, it brings you despair
Radical self-care, the daily practices/investments you commit to consistently will keep you in your purpose
Your words matter to your brain - how you speak to yourself matters - Universe hears you
Ask for what you need to match your dreams
Lisa can be found across all social media platforms at
She offers a myriad of support services ranging from a membership community, leadership coaching and offers other tools to support you in firing your inner bully
You can download her ebook called Fire Your Inner Bully at
Also visit myHeartKid at to learn more about her program that makes Social Emotional Learning (SELF) for children.
Please tag a friend and invite them to the listen regularly to the podcast. I’d love for you to leave a review and of course, don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode as we continue to explore the Energy of the Untamed Heart.
You can find me on FB and IG at miellefox as well as on my website at
If you like my free pdf to see how you might be blocking your heart, just click here.
I'll be offering my monthly virtual meet up again shortly; sign up to receive your notification so you don't miss out!
See you hear next time! So much love to you all.
![Removing the Stigma Around Sexuality - a conversation with Girisha Andrea Steigler](
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
It always amazes me how Universal our message is and how many different expressions we can use as souls expressing in our human body to share this message. Let’s review the highlights from today’s episode ~
Our childhood stories, our memories and our ancestors' memories are affecting our present life. We may not be conscious of why we feel a certain way.
No matter how difficult the situation is, that we all hold the capacity to take back our personal power and our truth of who we are and have the capacity to live a life of true expression of joy and passion and love
Sometimes we cannot hear our heart's voice because it's so deep and our mind is much louder.
The silence, stay even just a few minutes in a day in silence and ask yourself questions, what you are curious about and just wait for the answers. All our answers inside of us.
Hear through your soul versus through your ears.
There's a communication from within your physical being to your spiritual being, your higher self, your intuition. Learn how to hear that and learn how to ask your body what it needs.
You can follow Girisha, her journey and explore her offerings of course in all the social media hotspots including FB, IG, LinkedIn and Youtube. Links will be in the show notes.
Facebook Group:
Feel Safe again free video series:
Book a free complimentary laser-coaching session with Girisha Andrea:
You can tag along here for more episodes weekly, and if you could kindly leave a review, it will help me know what you, as the listener, would like to hear on the show.
Feel free to follow me on fb and ig at mielle fox, or via the website at
Grab your free copy of my pdf 7 ways you may be blocking your heart, and if you want to be notified of the next virtual meet up for Unconditionally You, just click over the words.
As always, so much love to you all.
![Holiday Season Minisode 2 - How to Stay Grounded](
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Holiday Season Minisode 2 - How to Stay Grounded
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Sometimes it can be alot during the holidays - extra people, extra food, extra party, extra late nights, extra travel - let's just say extra....
Extra can exact a toll on your emotional and mental to say nothing of your physical well being.
If you're an empath, introvert, or highly sensitive person, these holidays can literally be an overload situation.
Make the most of the beauty of the season and visiting friends and family while maintaining your own sense of balance by staying grounded when the environment feels beyond what you can manage.
Today we will talk a bit about what you can do and how to navigate different situations which may feel 'triggering' to you.
Subscribe so you receive notifications. Please leave a lovely 5 star review to keep this podcast bumped up in the algorithm and tag a friend.
Sending love to you all.
Trailer for the Energy of the Untamed Heart Podcast
Our old stories, patterns, belief and blocks we typically self impose to get by in this lifetime have kept our true soul's expression under wraps.
It's time to change all of that. In this trailer, you'll hear what I stand for, how I feel, what I will bring as a message of faith, hope, inspiration and possibility to find your way back home to your untamed wild heart.
It's time to reconnect, stop living in isolation and separateness. It's time to be seen, be heard, and be part of the bigger consciousness of humanity.
Join me weekly for both solo and guest episodes as we learn to thrive, not just survive and set our wild heart free!