Energy of the Untamed Heart
What keeps your divinely designed wild heart from being free? Unlock the chains around your heart, break free from your old stories and access your divine birthright for joy and passion. Allow yourself to flow in the energy of fulfillment and freedom, expansion and expression as you were meant to in this life. Connect and be seen, be heard, be part of the bigger consciousness of humanity. Discover your unique gifts and superpowers which allow you to navigate the challenges along the way as you live your purpose. Join me weekly for both solo and guest episodes as we learn to thrive, not just survive and set our wild heart free!
Thursday May 09, 2024
Leaning into Love and Heart Healing - my conversation with Rev. Bunny Love-Schock
Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
Abundance, manifestation, love and money work is nervous system work. If your inner world is out of balance, your outer world will be too.
Join me today for this fabulous conversation with Bunny. She's witty, giggly, curious, loving and spacious in her vision.
Rev. Bunny Love-Schock, Somatic Embodiment Coach and Podcast Host of Whisky Made Woman. Helping heart led entreprenuers and messy action takers make magick in the world. The themes of my work are Love - Manifestation Mastery - Heart Healing - Business Energetics.
You can follow and find more of Bunny Love-Schock on all platforms @love-schock. Her offers can be found on her website
I'd be grateful if you'd share this out episode with a friend and of course offer up a 5 star review so the podcast can be seen in the algorithm more readily.
Feel free to follow me on fb/ig at Mielle Fox or via the website at
As always, sending you so much love
Thursday May 02, 2024
Holistic considerations for the horse - a conversation with Marta Merrick
Thursday May 02, 2024
Thursday May 02, 2024
As a former barefoot hoof care provider, Marta has grown into empowering others to care for their horses in a holistic way for hooves as well as overall care with a focus on lifestyle and prevention. Incorporating a variety of holistic care modalities to enhance wellness has been instrumental in the health of her horses. Sharing these with others is transformative for both the horses and the human. Modalities such as essential oils, energy work, red light therapy, attention to lifestyle and nutrition have created a foundation for good health and happy horses. A driving force in applying all of these areas includes listening to and following her intuition.
We all have incredible abilities that go unnoticed and undiscovered. Developing an awareness of our abilities is the beginning. Our intuition is the greatest thing we squash away. If we spend more time nurturing, listening and following it, life becomes more balanced.
You can find Marta on Facebook group @ The Hearts of Horses; Empowering Through Holistic Care, FB Marta Merrick, IG martamerrick
I'd be grateful if you'd leave a 5 star review and follow me here, as well as on FB/IG at Mielle Fox or on the website at
Sending so much love to you all!
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
What's a Joyologist? A conversation with Coleen Greco
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Sometimes you have a convo with someone and it just clicks. That's what this guest episode with Coleen Greco felt like.
Join us as we explore what it means to be a joyologist and how we can use our moments each day to cultivate joy on our journey.
Coleen can be found on IG and YouTube @thecoleengreco or on her podcast Joy Unleashed.
Feel free to follow me here by subscribing so you don't miss an episode. You can also find me on FB/IG at Mielle Fox or via the website at
As always, sending you so much love.
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Parking Lot philosophies
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
More musings from the parking lot about life.
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Minisode Parking Lot Wisdom..Biologic Survival
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
Let's get really clear here - you are NOT your mind, nor are you a prisoner to any of your fears.
Yes, you read that correctly. We have been designed, as humans, for survival. Our mind, our ego, our conditioning UP UNTIL NOW, has set us on a course for having a human experience.
This early experience is replete with trauma wounds completely beyond our control as small children. We don't even get with the consciousness gig until around age 8, so how the freakity foo foo would we be able to make choices in our highest good?
BUT, good news, as an adult, let's own our innate completeness via our amazing soul identity and essence which is just borrowing this human body for this trip on earth.
Join me for a few minutes of typical Mielle bluntness in today's Parking Lot Wisdom chat.
Feel free to follow me on fb/ig at Mielle Fox or via the website at
So much love to you all,
Enjoy this minisode, share it out, subscribe so you don't miss anything.
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
The lightness of being - horsemanship convo with Elaina Enzien
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Join me today as I share a great conversation with a mentor and friend of mine in the horse world, Elaina Enzien. This chat isn’t just about horses and riding, it’s about a slice of life, finding the joy in the moments, the awareness of the lightness of being.
Elaina Enzien, owner and founder of NZN Horsemanship, is a lifelong student of the horse, starting her journey at Gelinas Farm when she was 6 years old. As a teen and young adult she had the opportunity to study under some of the greatest horsemen and women in the country.
Elaina has the innate ability to meet horses and riders where they are, allowing them to feel comfortable and safe to succeed at their own pace.
Gelinas Farm is owned and operated by Elaina Enzien and Adam Taschereau, offering high quality services of boarding, lessons, training, and clinics. An integral part of the Pembroke community, Gelinas Farm remains an important piece of New Hampshire’s agricultural landscape.
If you want more information on Elaina, what she offers and check out some heartwarming pictures, hop on over to NZN horsemanship at Gelinas Farm.
You can find everything about the farm, their offers and clinics and other insights at
As always, so grateful for your support. Please consider a 5 star review to keep this podcast up in the feed. Tag a friend and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the Thursday weekly releases.
You can follow me on FB/IG at Mielle Fox or on the website at
I have a private FB group by the same name, ask to join; I'd love to have you for more in depth conversations about numerology, energy and how we can play with it to create a fulfilling life we love.
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
A Conversation with G Gilli Henson - Why Whole Wellness?
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
As part of my personal journey, I signed up for a 6 week course to work on the root contributors to what was showing up in my life as blocks and barriers to my personal wellness on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). I learned so much about myself in those 6 weeks that I chose to get a certification in that program to be able to share it and coach others. In my coaching certification program, I was blessed to be mentored by an amazing human being with such compassion and wit and kindness in Gilli Henson.
Gilli, is a Certified Whole Wellness™ Coach and Mentor to Whole Wellness™ Coaches. She is an avid lover of Mother Nature, herbalism, Numerology, humanity & the unseen realms. Gifted Empath & Healer specializing in Psychology, Neuroscience, Quantum Paradigm, Self-Love, Astrology, Tarot, Channeling & Unity Consciousness Coaching helping others create bridges to healing & creativity. Gilli is also an experienced coach for the developmentally disabled, homebound seniors, and disadvantaged populations. As an Empath, she has devoted a large portion of her time to helping others Break Free, remove the blocks that no longer serve them in gentle & safe ways, raise the consciousness of our planet, & remind others of their Divinity. This is where her joy and heart resides, as she continuously learns, grows, & connects to her Higher Self & to Source.
Come take a listen as I have a conversation with Gilli - it’s such a treat to be in connection and collaboration with other humans looking to lift the collective. As I’ve said before, there are many tributaries and streams which all lead to the ocean. Our respective journeys, our uniqueness gives us a different experience for sure, but the ultimate direction and destination is to know and return to the understanding that we are all connected, we are all ONE, and we are all sparks of Divine Love.
You can find Gilli in her FB group called Break Free Solutions or friend her directly at G Gilli Henson.
As always, I strive to bring awareness so you can recognize the beauty of who you are within your being. Whether through guest conversations or Thursday Parking Lot Wisdom minisodes, it is my wish to share with you some of my insights, my light, my love, my heart to help you walk home to recognize that you have that same light, love, and wisdom within you.
Follow me on fb/ig at mielle fox or via the website at
Please join me in my private fb group at
April 1st will be the release of the FREE Lead From the Heart Summit - a collaboration with Cindy Blaser. We will be joined by 10 other globally recognized speakers to dig into what it means to live a fulfilling life living from our heartspace. You can sign up here, so you don’t miss the announcements and links for the summit.
As always, sending you so much love
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Forgiveness and Allowing - my conversation with Laura Jane Layton
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Laura Jane is the host of The Laura Jane Layton Show with the mission to share tips and trick on how change our self-talk to be empowering instead of limiting.
You can find her on all social media platforms as Laura Jane Layton and listen to her podcast on your favored listening platforms.
Today’s take-aways:
You're going to have to deal with some crap that you're going to have to forgive before you can learn forgiveness. It's not a book thing. You can't read about it and learn it.
I'm going to work on my responses. I can't change the external world.
There's never a need for our soul’s forgiveness because we haven't done anything in God's view, in divine's view, in universe's view that would require forgiveness. So that's a human construct to me.
The point is to have an awareness that we are only accountable and responsible to ourselves for our own being and everything external to us is serving as a reflection or a mirror of the thing
Allowing your past to be your builder,
Earth is our training ground.
We make it harder with ifs and buts.
When we look at the energies of our soul, we attract people who need to be uplifted.
We're not here to stay stagnant.
Thank you for choosing you to join me here, dear listener. It is my hope and wish that you receive what you need from these episodes. Please subscribe so you don’t miss any new releases. Share or tag with a friend. The ripple effect just takes a small pebble to expand widely.
As always, you can follow me on FB or IG at miellefox or via the website at
Sign up here for FREE Lead From The Heart Summit - releasing April 1
I’ve added an events page to the website to make it easy for you to find out what’s current and happening.
So much love to you all.
Trailer for the Energy of the Untamed Heart Podcast
Our old stories, patterns, belief and blocks we typically self impose to get by in this lifetime have kept our true soul's expression under wraps.
It's time to change all of that. In this trailer, you'll hear what I stand for, how I feel, what I will bring as a message of faith, hope, inspiration and possibility to find your way back home to your untamed wild heart.
It's time to reconnect, stop living in isolation and separateness. It's time to be seen, be heard, and be part of the bigger consciousness of humanity.
Join me weekly for both solo and guest episodes as we learn to thrive, not just survive and set our wild heart free!